A great deal is written about spirituality in relation to recovery from addictions as though it is different from other aspects of spirituality. Addiction can take people very far from spirituality, regardless of whether the addiction is to a chemical or to gambling, the Internet, work, or any other activity. However, most of what is written about spirituality for the recovering person can be helpful to all of us. After all, who can truly say that they are not recovering from something? Here is one expert’s take on the components of spirituality – and they apply even if you prefer to call it “inner growth.”
1. Regular renewal of basic trust – the sense of belonging in the world.
2. Sound values to support and guide relationships, and a meaningful life philosophy.
3. Relationship with and commitment to an integrating object of devotion – a central value in one’s system of values, a “higher power, no matter how you perceive it.*
4. Regular energizing experiences of transcendence – the experience of the *vertical dimension,* peak experiences.
5. Reconciliation and forgiveness.
6. Regular renewal of self-acceptance and self-esteem.
7. Renewal of realistic hope and a sense of future possibilities – promoting the value of constructive living in the present while planning responsibility for the future.
8. Development of the *higher self* – what religions calls the *soul.
9. Nurturing interaction with nature and other people.
10. Participation in a community with shared spiritual values.
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